Why it is Wrong to Pray for a Parking Spot!
Whereas I wouldn't say that it is sinful per say to pray for a parking spot, because, let me assure you, God is indeed interested in all details of our life; I do however want to say that it presents a very inappropriate view of our faith to be praying for a parking spot (real emergencies exempted). Usually praying for a parking spot originates in not allowing enough time, and expecting God to bail you out, or placing far too high an importance on the need for this parking spot ie. shopping for pleasure. This sits very crudely in the face of the great need in the world for real acts of a compassionate God - rain on the dry land, healing from cancer, alleviation of poverty, comfort for the grieving, etc. You might say that God can handle all these "big" issues according to His will and timing, and your parking spot as well, and that my God is too small! What about the fact that your desire for a parking spot is going to be at the expense of someone else's parking spot - and yes, God loves this person (and seeks their best interests) just as much as you; and of course they may need the parking spot a whole lot more than you do! Ah, you say, but I was the one praying. Well, aren't you lucky that you have discovered the gift of prayer, when so many have not had that wonderful opportunity to learn about and experience prayer in these post-Christendom times. To ignore these realities is to propose an individualistic and selfish side that does not tally with the teaching of Jesus. It almost proposes a poly-theistic religion with a god for each person (made in their own image). This underlying philosophy afterall leads to the fights over car spaces (often witnessed blasphemously at Christmas time). Jesus calls us to consider the needs of others at the very least alongside our own, and if we follow the servant example of Jesus, we'll be giving away our parking spots to others (who may just need them more) - what a different view of justice and our personal rights this brings! We may even pray that others will find their parking spot - and see if this clears the car park for us!
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