Entering God's Future - Comments on the future at Point Cook in terms of Joshua 1:1-11
(1) God’s Call Forward
The book of Joshua marks a turning point in the narratives of the Old Testament. It recounts the transition of landless wanderers into the landed people of Israel, and depicts a glorious entry into the ‘promised land’. And so this remains a pertinent text for continual consideration.
When we read that “the Lord spoke to Joshua son of Nun”, we could understand this in terms of Joshua having a deep inner conviction of God’s direction; whilst being physically voiceless, nonetheless being clear and definite. A major aspect of God’s guidance to Joshua, is to be “strong and courageous” in his leadership.
Joshua would have God’s presence and protection, and as God has proven to be so reliable in the past, Joshua and the people of Israel would able to go for it – to step out and pursue God’s agenda with confidence. In this way, with the knowledge of God’s help, even what might seem impossible can be actually realised!
Joshua would experience God removing obstacles and constantly protecting the progress of his journey (into God’s future). In terms of this passage, and God’s call, what does it mean to us to be “strong” and to be “courageous”?
To be “strong”
· to be solidly committed to a cause
· to have a good foundation; to be a fortress
· to have substantial faith, convictions, determination and character
· to well-equipped with good resources
· to be able to overcome setbacks
· to be capable of exerting influence or producing effectiveness
To be “courageous”
· to be brave in the face of challenging circumstances
· nerve oneself to a venture [Oxford Dictionary]
· to be able to take risks, and move through unchartered waters, with a knowledge of God’s abiding presence
· to be able to move forward without being [overly] deterred by the cost, by emotional or spiritual pressures, or by the discouragement of any other person
· to continue to be dissatisfied with an incomplete present
But it wouldn’t be enough, given the complexity of Joshua’s task, to just be “strong and courageous”, but verse 7 builds, and God convicts Joshua to be “strong and very courageous”. Part of this would be staying on the firm ground of God’s law as Joshua understood it.
To deviate from God’s road and to seek to travel another path, would take Joshua’s people into places where they might lose their way, and their sense of God’s companionship, and compromise their future altogether. As Joshua moved forward, the biggest danger he faced, was to try at any stage to act independently of God (according to his own desires and plans).
(2) Personal Application
Following our experience of the cross, Jesus’ resurrection, and the coming of the Holy Spirit, we are called to move forward and grow. We should never be content just possessing a little bit of peace, and a small amount of hope, and just having some sense of purpose; rather be desirous of more of God’s activity in our lives. We know how we’ve been, and see how we are, but God sees an even more beautiful picture of what we can become. This is the ‘promised land’ of our personal futures.
And no part of our lives is separate from this unified picture of what we can become. God wants to bring together our interests, our work and study, our home life, our relationships and friendships, and our spiritual centre into one magnificent package that pays tribute to God’s creativity. This is the path to fulfilment and success in life.
God has made a costly investment in each of us, and wants to see that investment bring rich returns. So we should be looking at whatever it is that needs to be done in our lives, in the way of preparation for God being able to fill us with the Divine Triune presence. As an example we read in verse 8:
"This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it".
As God progressively revealed His attitudes and priorities (in various contexts), through Moses, the Hebrew Prophets (like Isaiah & Jeremiah), Jesus and Paul, God required of those, seeking to be in relationship with Him, to adopt these attitudes and priorities.
Therefore the Bible is our reference book, which we need to thoroughly absorb, so that the truth contained in it becomes part of us, and we become reliable interpreters of it to those around us. We have God’s Word to us on the tip of our tongues, so that we can easily recall it and utilise it when it’s most needed. We don’t have it there to hit anyone else over the head with it, but rather have God’s Word within us to guard ourselves from error, and guide every action we take.
Knowing, applying and living God’s Word means that we can be creatively proactive in life, rather than unhelpfully reactive to the negatives that cross our path. In this way, though some may try to attack us, they will not ultimately succeed, as God stands with us.
(3) Corporate Application
Now let’s apply this text to our local situation! God has placed us within a community (not just as a worshipping community within the walls of a primary school gym). This is just where we functionally meet at the moment – we are actually God’s people in this local area in which most of us live. We don’t worship here as an escape from life, but rather as an encouragement and preparation for life (in community the rest of the week).
[And any smaller gatherings that we’re involved in during the week, whether they be in homes or community centres or on sporting fields, should be just as much an expression of worship as is our Sunday gathering.]
The growing area of Point Cook and all its surrounds is our physical ‘promised land’. Our ultimate home may be heaven, but this is where God has chosen to plant us as “trees of righteousness”. This is where we’ll experience the Kingdom of God. We pray: “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!” This, here, is the earth to which we bring the “will of heaven”.
So we need to cross our particular Jordan River, whether that be – doubt, nervousness, financial limitations, logistical difficulties, or any form of opposition. We need to walk through the doors of open opportunity and march on with the knowledge of God’s presence and guidance. As Joshua was assured (v.5), if God is in what we are doing, no one will be able to successfully stand against us!
"As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you."
I know there have been disappointments in the past, but this is no time to dwell on them, just learn from them and go forward. Wouldn’t a significant Christian presence in the hub of this community be worth praying and working toward! God says it’s time to cross the Jordan River into the future being prepared for us … and not just for us, but for all those who will come to participate in God’s Kingdom with us.
God is not behind us pushing us. God has already entered the ‘promised land’ here, and is calling us to join Him there. Families will move to this area with high expectations for their futures. We should be wanting to contribute to their wholistic experience of life and community (expressing the love of God in so doing).
Just as God was concerned for the whole nation of Israel and their well-being, God’s concern is for all the people who will live here (and will live here). Just as God chose first Moses, and then Joshua, to lead the people, God now chooses His church through which to bless the community.
Sure we will confront annoying, uncooperative, downright difficult people, but isn’t that more reason to persist, given the complexity of the journey they may have experienced, and the real need they have. I’ve learnt that what often lies behind a very rough exterior is a heart not far from the search for life and God.
And so, as we have already noted, we will have to ground ourselves solidly on God’s Word. We will have to continue to discover what is important to God, and how we can follow Jesus in 2007 and beyond with integrity. We will have to know these things so well, that they naturally emanate out of our individual and corporate lives.
So we continue to pursue becoming more and more familiar with God’s Word to us in the Bible (especially as depicted in the life of Jesus in the Gospels); so that when we are making various decisions, these decisions – far more often than not – will be the right God-ordained decisions. We don’t want to be ‘second-guessing’ our decisions later, so we need to be in touch with God now!
(4) The Final Countdown
Joshua was able to give three days notice before the people of Israel were to cross over the Jordan River into the ‘promised land’. I don’t know the timing of what’s ahead of us, but I’m sure that God is saying … ‘prepare yourselves’, for you are entering my future. I believe this is God’s time for us to be moving strategically forward – there are enough signs to show this to be true, eg.
· many of our congregation who are tangibly strengthening their commitment to God; and showing themselves willing to use their gifts
· an increasing number of people who are showing a willingness to share a journey of worship and mission through this church
· an openness to the message of the Gospel in the community (given that it is offered with integrity and a loving heart)
· opportunities to develop a facility that will offer long-term ministry to the broad community (through various partnerships and areas of cooperation)
How can we prepare ourselves?
· Bible study, prayerful listening for God’s leading, intercessory prayer for God’s provision
· Keeping our heads up, our eyes wide open, our ears de-waxed, our senses tuned in to what’s happening around us
· Walking through the open doors that present themselves until God closes them
· Building relationships within the community around us, so that when the time comes, the right and necessary preparation has already been done.
There will be a need for those skilled and gifted in areas of project development and visionary thinking to put themselves forward, to start putting those things in place that will bring God’s future into being amongst us.
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