A Prayer for Flood Victims
Loving and compassionate God,
All human tragedy is an invitation for us to stretch out our arms
toward the needs of others.
In so doing, we will experience your presence
within the depths of human pain.
Draw us close to those harmed by these waters,
hearing their cries, responding to their needs:
For those who feel they have lost everything,
for those that have become homeless;
for those who have lost loved ones,
for those that are still waiting to hear news.
Lead us in our prayerful support of those who will clean up the streets, fix the cities and rebuild the towns;
for those who will make strategic decisions,
those who care for the displaced,
and those who bring healing to the suffering.
We pray that those affected will not lose hope
in spite of the overwhelming destruction they face;
and that those who hurt and feel helpless
might find new resources of faith and courage.
We pray for God given energy and ingenuity to be poured out on those affected as they seek to rebuild their lives, their homes and their livelihoods.
And we thank you for the various gifts of generous heroism from both emergency workers and total strangers.
We seek the face of Jesus in our prayers,
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