A Call to Worship for Our 20th Anniversary at Point Cook
20th Anniversary Call to Worship
(Verses 2-5 & 10 originally written by Bruce Prewer for “Australian Accents” 1988 – adapted by Warren Hodge for PCCBC 20th Anniversary 2009; verses 1, 6-9 & 11 written by Warren Hodge)
1. We believe
that in Your Love O God
You created this World
to implant patterns of caring relationships,
and to offer the Grace
through which we could all live together in harmony.
2. We believe
that this land Australia,
with all its unique creatures and features,
is a precious gift
from a glorious God,
whose mercy reigns over these wonders and places.
3. We believe
in God’s care
for the people who treasured this land
through unnumbered generations;
the One who grieves in their suffering
and rejoices in every noble aspiration.
4. We believe
in God’s compassion
for the patchwork of refugees and immigrants
who for over two hundred years
have come to this continent
looking for a place to call their home.
5. We believe
in God’s steadfast love
for this nation and all its children;
that God is creating a new people
from many races, colours, and gifts,
to fulfil a high destiny.
6. We believe
that God has had his hand
upon this local church through twenty years;
that God has blessed and guided
those who have served and laboured here,
generously offering the hospitality of God.
7. We believe
that God has a plan in mind
for the communities of Point Cook and surrounding suburbs;
that God is moving around our neighbourhoods,
calling the followers of Jesus
to shine their light and plant seeds of hope.
8. We believe
that at this time,
God has brought us together in this church family;
and that this local Body of Christ
will share their gifts for the common good,
relying on the empowerment of God’s Holy Spirit.
9. We believe
that as we are reflective and prayerful
about the poor, isolated and lost,
locally and across the whole world,
that the Living God will lead us
into making an active and positive contribution.
10. We believe
that the best way forward
is the way revealed by Christ,
of faith, hope and love,
where no needy person is neglected
and no bidding of the Spirit is ignored.
11. We believe
that we are enriched as people
as we worship God with all of our beings,
as we bring our most grateful thanksgiving,
as we celebrate what God has done,
is doing, and will continue to do.
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