Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Warren's Ordination Statement - 11th Oct 2009

For those who were not present, here is what I said (at Essendon Baptist Church) on the occasion of my ordination to the Baptist ministry.

"I stand before you all today knowing most assuredly that I am called of God to minister within the church and local community in the name of Jesus. My call to ordained ministry within the Baptist family of churches is directly related to my desire to share the life of Jesus with others, and my passion for leading and supporting a local church in connecting with its surrounding community.

Currently my context for this mission is the Point Cook area, in Melbourne’s west, through being Pastor of the Point Cook Community Baptist Church. Together, we have made significant inroads in connecting with community members and our neighbours in the long-term cause of advancing the values of the Kingdom of God and introducing people to Jesus.

The congregation at Point Cook have trusted me as their pastor over the last five and a half years, taking on many challenges and new directions, and confirming my call to ordained ministry; for this I am grateful. Together we will continue to tackle the opportunities that lie ahead with faith, discernment and innovation.

As I expressed at the BUV Gathering in May, I feel that I have been in lifelong preparation for today, and for whatever the future holds. God has used my life experiences to develop my ability to be effective in ministry. Each church I have served in, and the good guidance given by many, has held me in good stead. I am grateful to all those encouragers and their unique contributions that have brought me here today.

I must mention my mother Cath Hodge, who passed away last year. She, with my father Harold, are my shining examples of faithful, loving service to God within an active church community. Also thanks must go to my wife Raelene for her unrelenting love and support.

Words from Jeremiah’s commission resonate with me very strongly. I believe that God has always been working in my life, moulding and filling me, and preparing me to make small but important contributions into the lives of others. Whereas I have often felt ill-equipped, I have been regularly reassured that God can make the seemingly impossible actually possible. When Jeremiah felt unprepared, especially in the area of what he would say under pressure, he was reassured about God’s enabling presence. The Lord touched Jeremiah’s mouth and gave him the words to say. I am no longer daunted by any person, but rather see each one as someone God might want to connect with through me.

I have learnt so much from all the faculty members at Whitley College, who, in both my two stints of study there, have invested such great teaching and pastoral care into me. Through this experience, I am thoroughly committed to continue to learn and grow and further mature.

I yearn for other people to clearly know God’s love for them and purpose for their life; and I trust that I will be able to assist others to know Jesus personally and grow through the presence of God’s Spirit. Jesus is the One who can bring out the wonderful potential and kind-heartedness that lies deep within people, but is often buried within the complexity of life.

What gives me great assurance of a living and transforming God, is seeing people begin to flourish and serve others, becoming creative and welcoming followers of Jesus. I love the Church. At its best, it brings together great diversity focussed on the universal common good, and can provide a place of healing and nurture. Attempting to be church brings great challenges, but also what glorious opportunities!
